How to Protect Your Child’s Hearing from Too-Loud Headphone Audio

Loud sounds are harmful to everyone, and many parents worry that their children are at risk for hearing loss due to too-loud headphone audio from iPhones and iPads. To lower the likelihood of this happening, Apple provides a Reduce Loud Sounds option in Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Headphone Safety for both iOS and […]

Look Up Apple Device Details in Mactracker

It’s difficult for even those who work with Apple devices daily to remember all the details. What processors were available with the 2020 iMac? What resolutions did the Apple Thunderbolt Display support? What are the differences between the fifth and sixth generations of the iPad mini? To find the answers to these and many other […]

Use the Hidden Album in Photos to Hide Private Images

We’ve recently heard from people who have been embarrassed when they gave their iPhone to someone to swipe through some innocuous photos of a vacation, only to have the person swipe too far and end up at some NSFW (not safe for work) images. Ouch. Embarrassment might be low on the list of problems such […]

How to Declutter & Sort Photos

Sorting through old photographs can feel overwhelming, but these tips can make the process easier.   Don’t be afraid TO trash! Multiple shots of the same scenery or event don’t always add more value to the story. A good guideline is to keep only 20% of the photos for albums and eliminate the rest.   […]

Consider Moving Your Mac’s Dock to the Side of the Screen

For most of us, our Mac’s screen is wider than it is tall, so longer Web pages and documents often benefit from more room from top to bottom. To maximize the amount of usable vertical space and reduce the need to scroll as much, you can set the Dock to hide automatically and appear only […]